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Important information about the training format for the summer semester 2020−2021

Dear DKU Undergraduate and Graduate students!

We inform you about the format of training in the summer semester of the 2020−2021 academic year:

  • The educational process in the summer semester of the 2020−2021 academic year for 1st-year students of all educational programs is organized in a mixed learning format (online lectures using the university's LMS system, seminars, laboratory and practical classes of an applied nature in the traditional format, observing the sanitary regime and the social distance of 2 m.).
  • For 2nd and 3rd year students of the educational programs «International Relations», «Enterprise Management», «Finance», «Marketing», «Information Engineering in Economics», «Telematics», «Mobile computing», corresponding to the areas of training «Social Sciences», «Business and Management», «Information and Communication Technologies», training is carried out in a distance format.
  • For 2nd and 3rd year students of the educational programs «Energy and Environmental Engineering», «Transport Logistics»," Production Logistics", corresponding to the areas of training «Engineering and Engineering», «Transport Services», training is carried out in a mixed format with compliance with the sanitary regime and a social distance of 2 m.
  • For students of the 4th year, training is carried out in a distance/mixed format, depending on the areas of training according to the academic policy and the academic calendar (organization of pre-graduate and professional practices, conducting final certification).
  • For graduates of the 1st and 2nd year of all educational programs, training is carried out in a mixed format (lectures — online with the use of the university's LMS system, seminars, laboratory and practical classes of an applied nature in the traditional format, observing the sanitary regime and the social distance of 2 m.).
  • The organization of educational process in the Kazakh-German University in the summer semester 2020−2021 school year will be held in strict compliance with sanitary-epidemiological regime and in accordance with the requirements of normative documents of MES of the RK and DKU internal documents.
  • Distance education of students, including nonresidents, is possible based on their application in case of signs of COVID-19, pulmonary pneumonia or other viral diseases. The decision is made at the meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee based on the application of students.
  • For international students and undergraduates, training is carried out in a distance format.
  • Classes of guest lecturers are conducted in a remote format using the LMS system of the university.

Methodological recommendations for the organization of the educational process in the summer semester of the 2020−2021 academic year (see here)

Please read the information carefully. In case of any questions, you can contact the deans of your faculties or the Academic Department.

DKU Administration
