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XVII International Summer University at the German-Kazakh University in Almaty from 5 to 17 August 2019

«Digitalization in Business and Engineering: Central Asia and Germany in comparison»

I. Invitation

In cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) the German-Kazakh University (GKU) invites BA and MA students of the economic and engineering disciplines from Germany and Central Asia to participate in the XVII International Summer University in 2019!

II. Courses

The summer university 2019 will offer two modules that will be offered in parallel. Students interested in the event must apply for one of them. Each course group of roughly 10−15 students will be taught by experienced lecturers in English language. Course work consists of group work, seminars and presentations and will usually cover the time before lunch. After lunch students will have the opportunity to attend the lectures of specialists from the region and join the sightseeing tours and excursions in and around picturesque Almaty.






Comparing digitalized economic and business processes in Kazakhstan and Germany

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Gillert, University of Applied Sciences in Wildau, Germany


Development of digital technologies in engineering and logistics

Prof. Dr. Galina Bykova, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

III. Cultural program

As the summer university intends to give an impression on the Central Asia region, the state of Kazakhstan and the city of Almaty, we also plan a variety of events like field trips, mountain hikes, and sightseeing tours, partially self-organized by students.

IV. Travel allowances

a. Students from Germany
Participants from Germany will receive 380 Euros as a lump sum compensation for overall travel costs to and from Almaty.

b. Students from Central Asia
Participants from Central Asia (outside Almaty) will receive a travel allowance roughly commensurate with the distance of their travel and actual costs. Travel must be organized at reasonable costs, e.g. traveling from Bishkek by Marshroutka rather than by plane.

V. Tuition Fees

There are no tuition fees.

VI. Application requirements (Application deadline: 24 May 2019)

Requirements are:

  • Strong, proven interest in the theme of the chosen course;
  • Adequate command of English (please include test results);
  • Letter of motivation, which has a relation to the chosen course topic;
  • Proof of enrollment at a university or university of applied sciences;
  • Filled in questionnaire

VII. Certificate

Participants of the summer university will receive a certificate stating the topic of the course and the number of ECTS obtained (3 credits).


Elena Asmus
International Office

Dr. phil. Beimenbetov Serik
Vice Rector for Research
