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Webinar «How to participate in research grants?»

We invite you to the webinar «How to participate in scientific grants?»

The webinar will cover such issues as:

1. Choosing a Fund and what to pay attention to.

2. Writing the application and what you should pay attention to (for example, the project name, project goals and objectives, research plan, literature review).

3. How to create a project budget and what to pay attention to.

4. Reporting during the project.

5. The state of science in Kazakhstan as a whole and wishes to young scientists.

Speakers: DKU Professor Dr. Sharipov R.N., Doctor of biology Ibragimova N. A., Doctor of ecological sciences Baibulekova L.A.

Moderator: Vice-Rector for science and technology transfer DKU PhD Beymenbetov S. T.

Time: 23 APR 2020 16: 30

Connect to the Zoom
https conference:/ / zoom. us/j/98449574135?pwd=Z0wyK2p6UXVONVNDMG9aa2taZWhjQT09

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