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We invite you to participate

Dear students, MA students, lecturers, we invite you to take part in the XI International Interuniversity personnel forum named named after A. Ya. Kibanova «Innovative personnel management». The forum will be held in an online format, which means that it will be even easier for students, MA students and lecturers from different cities and countries to participate. The official partner of the forum is the international company «ANKOR».

The forum consists of the following events:

• Student Olympiad «Personnel Management: yesterday, today, tomorrow» (the Olympiad will feature a fascinating case from the company «ANKOR») you can register your team now;

• Competition for research and innovation projects in personnel management and labor Economics for students, undergraduates and postgraduates;

• Distance competitions «Innovative personnel management-2020»;

• IV scientific and practical conference «Current issues of personnel management and labor economics»;

• Olympiad of school children «The Way to a profession».

The information letter can be found at the link, where all information about the forum and all internal events and events is provided. Registration is open until April 20.

We invite everyone to participate.

Your DKU
