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Virtual Dean’s Office

Dear DKU students!

What were your first weeks of university like?

We hope you have already entered the study rhythm and everything is fine!

We inform you that we have launched the virtual Dean's offices.

What is it?

This is an e-Cabinet in the form of a conference in ZOOM, where you can leave your questions/queries about the educational process. If you are interested in spheres of the University activities our colleagues in this case will redirect you so that you can get comprehensive answers.

The mode of operation of the virtual Dean's offices: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00.

Video consultations from faculty assistants daily from 16.00 to 17.00.

Please read the memo in the attachment that describes your steps when contacting the virtual Dean's office.

Below are links to Virtual deans of faculties and the Institute of Language training and certification (formerly the Language Center).

Faculty of Economics and entrepreneurship, assistant — Madina Utegenova

The link to

The faculty of engineering and information technology Assistant — Gauhar Zebulatkyzy

The link to enter:

The faculty of world politics, Assistant -Zumrat Sanakulova

The link to enter:

Institute of language training and certification, assistant — Evgenia Karsten

The link to enter:

Download Memo_Virtual Dean's office for students

Have a nice day and we wish you success in studies.
