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VIII Kazakh-German Forum «Transformation of logistics services in the face of global challenges of our time»


The Organizing Committee of the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, Logcentre at the Kazakh-German University with the information support of TLC Media invite you to participate in the distance VIII Kazakh-German Forum «Transformation of logistics services in the face of global challenges of our time» which will take place on 20 November 2020.

Scholars, university lecturers, doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates, experts and representatives of transport and logistics organizations are invited to participate in the forum.

Within the framework of the forum, it is planned to discuss the current problems of our time and the ensuing problems in the field of transport and logistics in order to gain new knowledge and expand a constructive dialogue on transport and logistics in the world and especially for the CA countries.

Together with the guests and participants of the forum, we will analyze the experience of foreign colleagues and try to find new opportunities and ways to solve the consequences of global challenges for maintaining the stability and prosperity of our countries.

Form of participation in the forum — distance.

The work of the forum is planned in sections:

Section 1. Impact of digitalization on the logistics sector. Main trends and problems (artificial intelligence systems, data mining, Internet and cloud computing, education systems, human-computer interaction, parallel and distributed computing, software development, sensors and measuring devices, theoretical computer science in the field of logistics).

Section 2. Opportunities and challenges of the logistics sector in the implementation of a circular economy (economics, logistics, marketing, management, standardization and certification, agriculture, food industry, chemical industry).

Section 3. Revitalization of the Great Silk Road at the present stage (logistics, organization of transportation, economics)

The organizers of the forum submit the following key issues for discussion:

1. Impact of digitalization on the logistics sector. Main trends and problems.

Digitalization of the logistics and transport industry; Modern digital technologies in logistics; Telecommuting (remote work) in the transport services market; Cybersecurity regulations; The main risks of transport operators in connection with the COVID-2019 epidemic; Actual problems of modern higher education and ways to solve them in CA countries in terms of the development of information and communication technologies; Distance learning software products of the information age: current state and development prospects; Innovations in distance learning technologies based on the collective experience of foreign countries.

2. Opportunities and challenges of the logistics sector in the implementation of a circular economy.

Use of circular economy models in the development strategy of enterprises in the world and in the CA region; Prospects for the use of closed-loop logistics for the disposal of packaging’s and packaging and the reduction of emissions and wastes; Almaty as a circular hub on new trade routes.

3. Revitalization of the Great Silk Road at the present stage

Measures to create a successful and comfortable passage of border and customs control at border stations; Transport and logistics system of the Eurasian region in the program of creating international corridors for economic cooperation; Actual problems of cross-border collaboration; Silk Road to «Green” Economy: Balance among economic and environmental interests; Potential for cross-border cooperation to enhance the efficiency of environmental protection; Transboundary environmental problems.

Working languages of the forum: Russian, German, English.

An application for participation in the forum (for each co-author — separately), the text of the report is waiting in the form of separate files in a single letter no later than October 20, 2020 by email: indicating the subject of the letter «VIII — Kazakhstan-German Forum on Logistics»

Materials that do not meet the requirements for content and design, do not correspond to the topic of the forum, with incomplete information about the author (s), as well as sent later than the specified period, are not considered and are not returned to the authors.

Forum regulations:

time for Germany

8:45 — 10:25 — plenary talk

10:30 — 13:25 — work of the sections

time for Kazakhstan

13:45 — 15:25 — plenary talk

15:30 — 18:25 — work of the sections

Speech time: up to 10 minutes for the plenary session and section, up to 5 minutes for the discussion.

The program of the event is available here.

