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Competition for the best business idea among DKU students!

Dear students! We are pleased to announce the launch of a competition among DKU students for the best business idea. This is a chance to announce your project, get professional feedback, learn new skills and get closer to realizing your business dream. DKU students of all specialties, faculties and levels of training are invited to participate.

The competition is held in several stages:

  • Stage 1: from November 25 to December 5 — submitting an application for the competition and providing information on the business idea/project (see the competition regulations here).
  • Stage 2: from December 5 to December 7 — the jury will review all applications and determine the finalists.
  • Stage 3: from December 10 to December 16 — online pitch sessions of the finalists.

Announcement of results: until December 22, 2020. Projects that won the first 2 prizes will be awarded with cash prizes:

  • 1st place — 100 000 KZT (one hundred thousand tenge) for the initial implementation of the idea;
  • 2nd place — 50 000 KZT (fifty thousand tenge) for the initial implementation of the idea;

All finalists of the competition will be included in the list of students of the elective course at DKU «Startups and Technological Entrepreneurship», which will be held in the summer semester of 2021 in cooperation with partners V. P. Group and KBTU Business Incubator on a free basis.

Registration link: com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezFEN8NH7TlVtlMVpfZciS-tjuYIRHU8MXj3ngEyzBWN1UuA/viewform.

Present your business idea at the:
