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On November 27−28, the First Central Asian Mediation Forum was held

The Kazakh-German University and the community of Kazakhstan and international mediation centers organized the First Central Asian forum on Mediation.

The forum was held on November 27−28, 2020 in an online format on the ZOOM platform.

The event was held in the framework of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokaev, «Kazakhstan in the new reality: a time for action» (paragraph 115 of the National plan, approved by the presidential decree as of 14.10.2020 — the Development of alternative methods of dispute resolution, the development of a coherent state policy in the field of mediation), as well as to create a permanent international dialogue platform for the promotion of mediation in the countries of Central Asia, Ukraine, Russia.

Dr. Gabriele Stauner, President of DKU, and Gulmaydan Urozbayeva, Head of the Parasat center for mediation and law, associate Professor of DKU and moderator of the event, made welcoming speeches.

A number of events were held within the framework of the forum:

Round table on «Problems and prospects of development of the mediation Institute in Kazakhstan and in the world», November 27, 2020

The moderator was Professor DKU-Rustam Burnashev.

The round table was attended by mediators from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Russia. They not only shared the problems and prospects of mediation development in their countries, but also shared their experience. For example, in his speech, Senator Safinov K. B. noted what has already been done to promote the institute of mediation in Kazakhstan. A lively discussion was caused by the speech of international mediator Viktoria Polishchuk (Ukraine), who described how the principle of confidentiality of mediation is implemented in the era of the pandemic and the area of responsibility of mediators. In turn, the reports of colleagues from Kyrgyzstan (Fidana Aliyeva) and Uzbekistan (Dilbakhor Yakubova) allowed us to see the achievements of our Central Asian colleagues in promoting the institute of mediation. Special attention was also drawn to the speech of a speaker from Russia, Alena Levina, who spoke about the use of the mediation approach and the possibilities of mediation in corporate business.

Master classes of recognized experts and practitioners in the field of mediation, November 27, 2020

The format of the master classes was designed so that all participants of the forum could take part in interesting events. In total, 16 master classes were held on a variety of topics: from mediation tools to the possibilities of using mediation in medicine.

International mediation competition among teams of Central Asian mediators and negotiators, November 27, 2020

A total of 7 youth teams took part in the competition. The program consisted of a question-and-answer session between teams, conflict simulation, an improvisation contest on mediation, as well as questions from mediation centers and homework (pre-prepared videos). Participants showed a high level of training and professionalism. Despite the fact that the contest was held online, the jury noted the high activity and creativity of all the children.

According to the results of the competition, the winners among the teams were:

1st place — team «Superkroshki» (a team of graduates of the Kazakh-German University: Kamaldinov Rim, Ikkert Anna, Mukhamedzhan Nadira).

2nd place — team «Consensus» (Team of Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University: Asankyzy Yerkezhan, Yerikova Assel, Karmanova Azhar).

3rd place — team «Mormons» (Team of the Kazakh-German University: Masheev Sultan, Seitkaliev Aibar, Kulmyrza Merey)

Honorary nominations received:

The best team in the opinion of mediation centers was team Alternativa (team of the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations: Timur Umbetov, Stepan Shramko, Anna Mukhamedieva).

«Opening of the year» — team «IOM» (Team of the Kazakh-German University: Radzhabov Mehrozhiddin, Odinaev Orzu, Begishbek kyzy Minura).

«The best team for stress tolerance «was the team «Marmon»

«Most creative team» — «Superkroshki» team

Best experts in mediation — «Consensus» Team

Congratulations to the winners and all participants! We express our gratitude to the international jury and moderators of the contest.​​​

Open day, November 28, 2020

During the open day, participants were told about the procedure and features of the mediation procedure. Worksop on the basics of mediation was held by Zhamilya Akhmetova and Alla Kislova.

Strategic session on «Development of joint actions by mediation centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan to promote the mediation Institute», November 28, 2020

This session was attended by representatives of mediation centers. The event was held in the format of a facilitation session.

Main results of the Forum:

the round table provided an opportunity to learn about the current state of the mediation Institute in Central Asia, Ukraine and Russia, as well as to exchange experience.

Master classes from leading experts introduced participants not only to mediation tools, but also to the main aspects of using mediation in business.

The mediation contest showed interest on the part of young people and showed motivation to further promote mediation.

Thus, the forum became an international dialogue platform for promoting the Institute of mediation, within which ways of joint activities between mediators from Kazakhstan and other countries were outlined.

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