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We invite you to take part in the round table discussion on the migration situation in Kazakhstan during the COVID 19 period

The Kazakh-German University and Friedrich Ebert Foundation invite to participate in the offline/online round table «Migration situation in Kazakhstan during COVID 19: problems and solutions», which will be held on November 12, 2020.


Kazakh-German University (DKU)

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation

Date: November 12, 2020 at 17.00.

Format: offline/online on the ZOOM platform.

To participate in the offline format, pre-registration is required.

The quarantine limit is 10 people. Entrance only by pre-registration.

If you have any questions about registering to participate in the offline format, please contact: +7 777 397 11 27.

To participate in the online format:

ZOOM platform. The conference ID: 846 8448 4087.

Or you can join the live broadcast on the Facebook page of the Kazakh-German University

For Kazakhstan, the issue of integration of migrants is an urgent problem, since since the beginning of the 2000s, the country has become attractive for labor migrants from the Central Asian republics. The concept of migration policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017−2021 focuses on issues of regulation of optimal population settlement within the country, management of ethnic and labor migration. The concept defines the strategic goals, objectives and directions of the migration policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to the expected prospects of economic, social and demographic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign policy, integration processes within the framework of the Eurasian economic Union and global trends of globalization.

But the Corona virus pandemic and the quarantine declared in the country have made their own adjustments to the implementation of the Concept and made life more difficult for migrants. The closure of borders and the regime of isolation have left many migrants literally on the street in a foreign country. In the context of the pandemic, migrants have become one of the most vulnerable categories.

The main purpose of the event is to discuss new inclusive conditions, attract representatives of various social groups to discuss and develop joint recommendations for improving the lives of internal and external migrants in Kazakhstan.

The following issues will be discussed in the agenda of the round table:

  • What is the current migration situation in Kazakhstan?

  • What is the role of NGOs in improving the lives and working conditions of migrant workers?

  • How is interaction taking place with the authorities to solve the problems of migrants?

  • What difficulties do labor migrants face in Kazakhstan?

  • How is the Migration Policy Concept adopted in 2017 implemented?

  • What adjustments did the coronavirus pandemic make to the strategy for implementing the Migration Policy Concept?

Professional moderators will focus on the following aspects of the discussion throughout the round table:

  • NGO representatives ' views on support provided to migrants in quarantine,

  • expert opinions on how the concept of migration policy is being implemented in Kazakhstan,

  • views of migrants themselves on the difficulties they faced in protecting their rights.

It is planned to invite as speakers of the round table:

  • representatives of akimats who are responsible for issues related to migrants,

  • representatives of NGO's of Kazakhstan dealing with the problems of migrants,

  • researchers from DKU who study the migration situation in Kazakhstan,

  • representatives from the migrant community in Kazakhstan.

We will be glad to see you at our round table!

Link for mandatory registration to the round table:
