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Online round table «Small scale hydropower plants in Central Asia» will be held on May 30, 2020

Dear colleagues!

YouTube channel «Land and Water CA”, with information support from the Kazakh-German University and Central Asian Knowledge Sharing Network of Energy Development Program and Water Resources of Central Asia of the World Bank, May 30, 2020 at 18:00, Almaty will organize an online round table «Small scale hydropower plants in Central Asia”.

ZOOM login link:

Key speakers:

  • Petrov Georgy Nikolaevich is a major UN scientist and expert, an active participant in many energy projects. Specialist in small hydropower plants. He worked in Tajikistan for a long time.
  • Blyashko Yakov Iosifovich — General Director of INSET JSC (Hydraulic Turbine Production). Fan and popularizer of small hydropower plants. He has extensive experience in CA.

The main tasks of the round table are:

  • Sharing experiences and new knowledge in the field of SHPPs in Central Asia.
  • Involvement of students and young scientists to solve pressing issues in the field of design, construction and operation of small hydropower plants in the region.
  • Strengthening the network of contacts between regional and international experts.

Target audience: Scientists, specialists and administrators in the field of energy. But everyone can participate in the event.

Rules of operation (Almaty time)

18 — 00/18 — 03 Introduction by the presenter

18 — 05/18 — 20 Report by Petrov Georgy

18 — 25/18 — 40 Report by Blaszko Jakov Iosifovic

18 — 45/19 — 45 Discussion and answers to questions

19 — 45/20 — 00 Discussion of the draft final declaration on the outcome of the round table

Annotations of keynote speakers' reports

Petrov Georgy
SHPPs of Tajikistan: historical experience, challenges and opportunities

Abstract: Tajikistan is the best example of a country with huge potential for small hydropower. Many years of experience in the construction and operation of small hydropower plants allows objectively assessing achievements and problems, identifying further steps for development of small hydropower resources.

Blyashko Yakov Iosifovich
Equipment of small hydropower plants of the Eurasian space: a brief overview

Abstract: The report is devoted to the review of the status of the production of small hydroelectric power plants in the Eurasian space, the comparison of the quality and volumes of hydroelectric units from different manufacturers.

Discussion and Final Declaration

The discussion will be devoted to the topics raised in the reports and issues, to the analysis of difficulties in the design, construction and operation of small HPPs on specific examples.

The final declaration will reflect the most pressing issues raised by the participants and the topics for the next round table.

The proceedings of the round table will be published on:

Please confirm your participation by e-mail:
