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The traditional workshop of DKU-project took place on May 19, 2020. This year it was held in the format of a Zoom-conference.

At the start of the online event, welcoming words were: Heinz-Peter Höller, Project Manager of DKU, Mr. Tsetsere, Commissioner for Foreign Sciences, Education Policy and Research and Foreign Cultural Policy at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Unger, and President of the Kazakhstan-German University in Almaty.

During the meeting, reports on the work of the Kazakh-German University and the DKU-project were presented and discussed. Special attention was also paid to the future of DKU and its continued funding by DAAD and the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Within the framework of the discussion of this issue, the development strategies of the project prepared for the meeting were presented. In addition, participants of the workshop got acquainted with the summary record of intergovernmental negotiations between Germany and Kazakhstan.

The online conference was attended by representatives of the Kazakh-German University in Almaty, DKU project, partner universities from Germany, DAAD, German Embassy in Kazakhstan and Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
