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We Invite you to an online session from JTI Kazakhstan «Creative thinking and rules for successful brainstorming»

Dear DKU students!

We invite you to an exciting, mega-useful and informative online session from the partner company of JTI Kazakhstan University «Creative thinking and rules for successful brainstorming».

The guest of our event will be Professional Development Manager of JTI Kazakhstan — Askhat Bekishev. He will tell you and teach you how to:

  • identify creativity and its importance in business;
  • think outside the box;
  • improvise in the process;
  • use storytelling to develop creativity!

Hurry up to book a place the online session, registration is already open and available via the link in the profile description (Taplink).

Don't miss the opportunity to upgrade your soft-skills and learn something new for yourself!

Date: November 18, 2020 Time: 16.30 Place: we meet online on the ZOOM platform

The number of seats is limited.

We are waiting for everyone!
