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On September 29, 2020, DKU hosted a meeting with the Consul General of the R

Did you know that this year we are launching the «Disruptive technology innovation challenge for landscape restoration in the Aral Sea Watershed (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)?

As a part of this Project on September 29, 2020, the Kazakh-German University held an information meeting with the Consul General of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Almaty, Mr. Fatkhullayev Abrar Djakhangerovich.

Ms. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Head of the UNESCO Chair for Water Resources Management at the Kazakh-German University, presented the main goals, objectives and expected results of the Project, as well as the results of the work done up to the present moment.

The parties also discussed opportunities for future cooperation in such areas as environmental protection and the development of the region as a whole.

The Project is being implemented by the World Bank in partnership with the Kazakh-German University and the Global Landscape Forum (GLF) with financial support from the Central Asian Program for Sustainable Landscape RESILAND CA+ and the Central Asia Water and Energy Program (CAWEP).

Information about Call for proposals application procedures will be posted on our social networks. Stay tuned!

More information on the Project is available at

#TechChallengeCA #WorldBank #DKU #GLF #CAWEP #euinkz #EU4CentralAsia #resiland #aralsea #landrestoration #nricapacity #aral #innovationtechnology #environment #naturalresource #naturalresources #challenge2020 #disruptive #technology2020 #internationalproject #kazakhstan2020 #uzbekistan_uzb
