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October 27, opening of VIII DKU Sports Day

October 27, 2019, the opening ceremony of the Kazakh-German University VIII Sport Day under the motto «TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE NEW HEIGHTS» was held in «Kazakhstan» sports and recreation complex.

The welcoming speech was addressed to the participants by Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work Nailya Saniyazova and Dean to the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Zhandos Kegenbekov, who congratulated the participants on the opening of the Annual Sport Day and wished the athletes success and fair fight.

Our students participated in the openning ceremony with artistic presentations. Sofia Rachenkova, 1st year student of the specialty Management, performed rhythmic gymnastics. A group of students under the guidance of physical culture teacher Marina Vyskrebentseva performed a sport dance and inspired the participants of the competition to win.

The opening ceremony continued with sports competitions for the guests of the event: our students, graduates and, of course, lecturers.

On the first day, volleyball competitions were held among 7 teams: 1-year students' team of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, 3-year students' team of the Faculty of Economy and Business, 3-year students' team of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies, 2-year students' combined team, alumni team and lecturers' team.

According to the results of competitions:
1st place was taken by DKU alumni team
2nd place was taken by 2-year students' combined team
3rd place was taken by 4-year students of the Faculty of Economy and Business

All winners were awarded with medals and diplomas.

Congratulations to the participants and guests of the event and we look forward to the next competition!
