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New deadlines for submission of documents for complex testing for admission to master’s degree

We would like to inform you about the new deadlines for submitting documents for complex testing (CT) for enrolling in the master's degree.

Submission of documents will last from June 15 to July 15, 2020.

Comprehensive testing is conducted from 1 to 15 August 2020.

CT is composed of:

  • foreign language test (English, French, German of choice)
  • test on the profile of the group of educational programs
  • Training Readiness Test

Specified disciplines for DKU educational programs:

Educational program group number

Name of groups of educational programs

Profile disciplines

First profile discipline

Second profile discipline


Management and management


Organization of business


Finance, banking and insurance

Economic theory



Logistics (by industry)

Supply Chain Management

Transport logistics

List of documents for registration for complex testing:

  • application form (here);
  • Higher education diploma (original, when submitting documents to the admission committee);
  • a copy of the identity document;
  • six photos 3×4;
  • Medical Form 086-U in electronic format;
  • payment receipt for participation in the testing, the cost of participation 8 292 KZT;

Requisites for payment:

RSE «National Testing Center” of MES RK
010011 Nur-Sultan, 60
RNN 600300086081, BIN 000140001853
IK KZ536010111000001515 BIC
Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

In receipts it is necessary to specify — «Payment for trial online testing in master's and doctoral studies”.

For all questions, please contact the DKU Admissions Committee at +7 727 355 05 51, int. 924, 327, 231 and 229 or +7 778 313 17 95 (WhatsApp).
