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Meeting with Universum company representatives

The goal of quality education is, first of all, demand in the labor market. DKU and the Career Center representatives try to take care of the successful employment of our graduates.

Thus, one of the activities of our Center is cooperation with the global international company Universum, which specializes in research in the field of branding of employers and providing solutions to attract and retain talents.

During 4 years, DKU has been successfully cooperating with Universum and every year students take part in research, the results of which help to improve career services within the University, and students to determine the career type and companies for future employment.

Today the Career Center met with the representative of Universum Company Evgenia Gerdiy. The theme of the meeting was the acquaintance of the company with partner universities involved in global research of career preferences of students. The preliminary results of 2019 were discussed, as well as opportunities for further cooperation.
