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IWRM Alumni Meeting 2019!

Alumni Meeting of Master program «Integrated Water Resource Management” in Central Asia and Afghanistan was held from 6 to 9 September, 2019! Since its establishment in 2011, the Master program «Integrated Water Resource Management” has been training about 60 young specialists from Central Asia and Afghanistan.

After graduation IWRM specialists return to their home countries, that is why the Alumni Meeting is a great opportunity to reconnect alumni, current students and the university. It is also a good opportunity to share valuable experience with their peers!

The first day of the meeting was held in the university, where Alumni met their professors, got acquainted with new IWRM students, share with their success stories after graduation.

Next day, all participants went to Kapchagai city. They had opportunity not only to enjoy the nature, but also to take part in a public speaking seminar. Participants were involved in team-works and played different games during the seminar. Such kind of friendly atmosphere brought together all participants.

At the end of the event, participants had a trip to the beautiful «Tamgaly Tas” located on the area of the Ili River. Everyone shared impressions of their trip and expressed their ideas for the future meetings, which will unite more Alumni and become specific and unforgettable once again!
