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German students at DKU

In 2017, DKU jointly with the Schmalkalden High School (Germany) developed the project «Study of modular disciplines in Central Asia”. The project was created to attract students from partner universities in Germany to study at DKU. Within the framework of this project, students from Germany can attend a two-week course of lectures on a certain discipline, which is delivered by visiting professors from Germany (in German or English) and receive a certain number of ECTS credits.

In the summer semester 2018, 3 students from the Hamburg School of Applied Sciences studied at DKU as part of this project, and in 2018/19 academic year, 30 students from partner universities Mittweida, Schmalkalden, Wildau, Hamburg, Zwickau, Rhein-Waal studied at DKU.

In September this year, 8 students from the partner University Zittau/Görlitz and 3 students from the Technische Universität Ilmenau visited our University within the framework of this project.

Also, a teacher from the partner University Technische Hochschule Wildau brought 6 of his students, who together with our students attended his lectures.

A meeting was organized for students from Germany with the President of our University, Mr. Laszlo Ungvari. He spoke about Kazakhstan, about the features of our country and, of course, about DKU at the meeting.

We wish great success to our guests in their further education and look forward to new students from Germany to study at DKU!
