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Even more scholarships at DKU!

The number of scholarships for study and accommodation from DAAD increased by 20%!

Get your scholarship!
Don't miss your chance!
*scholarships are allocated for one academic year.

DKU is:

Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship

Specialties: Finance, Marketing, Management

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Specialties: Transport logistics, Industrial logistics, Energy and environmental engineering, Telematics, Information engineering in economics, Mobile computing

Faculty of World Politics

Specialty: International Relations

And also:

  • Double degree program
  • Government Grants
  • Scholarship support from Germany
  • Programs Accredited by ACQUIN Agencies
  • Knowledge of two foreign languages with professional orientation: ENG and DE
  • Development of training programs with partner universities from Germany
  • Professors from Germany teach profile disciplines
  • Application of modern information technologies in the process of learning
  • Employment cooperation with major international, German and Kazakhstani companies

Waiting for you at DKU!

Want to learn how to get a scholarship?

Send a request to e-mail:, email us or call: +77273550551, Vn. 924, 231, 327 and 229 or +77783131795 (WhatsApp). You can receive Admission committee advice on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00

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