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EU-Central Asia Network for Water Science and Technology thematic meetings

Two thematic meetings of the EU-Central Asia Network for Water Science and Technology on «Water Quality” and «Water, Ecosystems and Energy” were held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on November 11−15, 2019.

Central Asia confronts severe challenges related to water quality, management and availability that call for joint efforts among the countries. Scientific and technological cooperation can act as a key enabler in addressing these problems, among others by providing innovative solutions, by informing policies with sound and reliable evidence and by enabling broader regional cooperation. In this context, the EU-Central Asia Network for Water Science and Technology aims to strengthen the dialogue between European and Central Asian policy makers, research institutes and universities, funding agencies, companies, NGOs and local communities, focusing on water science and technologies.

The thematic workshop on «Water Quality” focused on different aspects of water quality including matter transport; water pollution; wastewater management; innovative solutions for water purification and quality monitoring. The biodiversity conservation; wetlands and aquatic ecosystems; impact from human activities; hydropower solutions, ICT and earth observation were discussed during the thematic workshop on «Water, Ecosystems and Energy”. Cross-cutting issues were addressed to the data accessibility, interoperability and reusability; skills development, training and education; science-policy feedback; socioeconomic issues; research and innovation (R&I) funding issues.

Representatives of the German-Kazakh University and Natural Resources Institute Barbara Januzs -Pawletta (Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Public Relations), Almas Kitapbayev (CAWa Project Coordinator in Central Asia), Alexey Kobzev (Renewable Energy Projects Manager) and Larissa Kogutenko (IWRM Master Program Coordinator) were invited to participate in the meeting and present the results of their activities.

The final meeting in February 2020 in Almaty will complete the EU-Central Asia Network for Water Science and Technology thematic workshops.
