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DKU students and professors took part in the Conference on Transnational Challenges and Human Rights

Conference on Transnational Challenges and Human Rights

DKU students and professors took part in an online conference on «Transnational Challenges and Human rights».

The organizers were DKU Associate Professor Sebastian Mayer, Professor Christina Bartsch and Professor Ekkehard Strauss from the Berlin Higher School of Economics and Rights (HWR, Berlin). The experts presented their reports on the following topics: «EU and OSCE policy on preventing violent extremism in Central Asia», «An approach to transnational challenges based on human rights — consideration of crimes related to human trafficking» and «Consideration of crimes related to human trafficking from a judicial point of view».

The conference was also attended by Nicole Emh and Irene Hirzel, representatives of the Swiss non-governmental organization «ACT212"*, with a report on the topic: «Human trafficking — physical and psychological consequences.» It is important to note that ACT212 is a Swiss national contact center working with victims facing human trafficking and sexual slavery.

The event was attended by almost 50 students of DKU (3rd year students of the specialty «International Relations») and the Berlin Higher School of Economics and Law students (undergraduates of the International Security Management program) who met online in small groups, where they had the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss the reports presented at the conference.

It should also be noted that one of the goals of the conference was to discuss opportunities for further cooperation between DKU and the Berlin Higher School of Economics and Rights (HWR), in terms of holding joint summer schools or other future events.

The students shared their impressions of the conference, and also proposed a number of new topics for holding a summer school in Almaty and/or Berlin in 2023. The students' feedback was positive and they suggested such areas for future discussions as digital security, climate change, the urbanization of military operations and media coverage of crimes related to human trafficking.
