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Educational trip to study the best practices of using renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan

**This trip will take place only the quarantine ended in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakh-German University in Almaty

Capacity Development for climate policy in the countries of South East, Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia, Phase III, GIZ program

Educational trip to study the best practices of using renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan

with support of the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety, the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

21 — 28 August 2020

Invitation to participate

Kazakh-German University in Almaty invites to apply for participation in the Educational trip to study the best practices of using renewable energy in Kazakhstan, in the period 21−28 August 2020 with a visit to the RES facility in Kazakhstan.

Within the framework of the Educational trip, students are given a unique opportunity to explore renewable energy (renewable energy) facilities, key organizations for the development of renewable energy sources in; Kazakhstan, and apply this knowledge for your own research.

The main purpose of the trip is to visit renewable energy facilities in Kazakhstan, which will allow you to study solar, wind and hydroelectric power plants in practice, better understand them technical and technological features, prepare cases of best practices in RES and discuss existing challenges and opportunities for the introduction of new renewable energy in the framework of information meetings.

Who can apply:

  • BA, MA or PhD students, young researchers of universities and institutes;
  • Central Asian citizens studying in Kazakhstan
  • proficient in oral and written Russian.
  • Knowledge of English is an advantage.

The use of information received, within the framework of the trip, for the preparation of a bachelor's or master's thesis thesis, a scientific paper or PhD thesis is an advantage and the main criterion in selection.

How to apply:

Please send the following documents to email and

  • Motivational letter (no more than 1, 5 pages);
  • Updated CV.
  • Specify in the subject of the letter: Application for RE trip

All expenses for participation in the educational trip are paid by the organizers: airfare, accommodation, meals and transportation on the trip.

Social distance rules and quarantine measures will be strictly enforced during the trip to preserve the health of participants.

Application deadline: August 5, 2020

Any questions come up? Email: Kristina Pershina, Project Assistant in Renewable Energy and Business Incubation k. and Alexey Kobzev, Project Manager renewable energy +7777 0 333 264
