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DKU took part in the Summer School in Tashkent

On June 12, 2019, the Kazakh-German University took part in the Summer School in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for students of the 10th grade of the school with in-depth study of the German language № 60. Excursion in the Tashkent Institute of engineers of irrigation and mechanization of agriculture, the workshop on international negotiations in the German language, seminar in German on «Circular economy. Ideas for the future» and many other interesting events were held for the participants of the summer school on this day.

Lectures and seminars allowed students to get acquainted with student life, and preparation of presentations on the organization of recycling — to gain valuable practical skills.

Participants appreciated the organization of the summer school, the knowledge and skills, as well as the relaxed atmosphere.

We wish students great success in their studies!
