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DKU Talks «The „school of the future“ and „educational innovations“ — educators' ideas from two different national contexts»

The Kazakh-German University is pleased to invite all to the next DKU Talks with Dr. Asem Berniyazova the graduate of PhD program at the University of Edinburgh on topic «The „school of the future“ and „educational innovations“ — educators' ideas from two different national contexts». The format of the meeting involves a discussion with all participants after the presentation of the main report.

Dr. Assem is a recent PhD graduate from the University of Edinburgh, where she studied with Kazakhstan’s state scholarship «Bolashak”. The title of her dissertation was «Worldwide diffusion of XXI century educational innovations: opportunities and challenges for educational institutions in Kazakhstan”. It comparatively examined the social imaginaries of schooling found in Kazakhstan and Scotland (UK), and reflected on whether their combination added to or detracted from the prospects of fruitful international cooperation.

Her academic background is in International Relations — she received the specialist diploma from the Kazakh National University and the MSc from the University of Bristol. Her PhD was undertaken following ten years of experience at KIMEP University, where she was involved in institutional research and quality assurance work.


Many countries see international cooperation and exchange of innovative ideas as a way to improve their schools. However, a smooth cooperation requires that their educators carry compatible «social imaginaries» — broad taken-for-granted aspects of the worldview.
This presentation discusses the social imaginaries of schooling detected in Kazakhstan and Scotland. It is based on qualitative comparative study undertaken in 2015−2016. The study relied on such sources as interviews, book indexes, conference proceedings, folk tales and political speeches.

The presentation will be in English.

DKU Talks is financed by DAAD from funds offered by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

If you have any questions, please contact the project assistant:
Frau Aisulu Beken
Tel.: 355−05−51 (ext. *233)
Mob.: +7 707 625 42 55
