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DKU student wins DAAD award

DKU student Olga Kassilova received a DAAD certificate with a nominal value of 1,000 Euros for outstanding achievements of foreign students at German universities!

The prize was awarded to our student by Chancellor Dr. Wolfgang Ramsteck, Prof. Erwin Neuhardt and Mr. Kevin Rausch representative of the International office.
Olga received a bachelor’s degree in Information Engineering in Economics under the Double Degree program in the framework of the agreement between DKU and the partner University Hochschule Schmalkalden. She is currently interning at a well-known software development IT consulting firm in Dresden. For this reason, she was unable to accept the prize in person and the presentation was conducted via Skype.

Olga demonstrated high academic performance both in Schmalkalden and in Almaty. For example, her average score was 1.5 (according to the evaluation system in Germany) in a German University.

«Within the framework of the Software Engineering course, Olga Kassilova worked perfectly in a team with German students and made a significant contribution to the success of the project," - said during the presentation Dr. Erwin Neuhardt, Olga’s scientific supervisor.

Another criterion for the award was Olga's social commitment. She organized parties and events for students on behalf DKU Student Council and participated in charity events for veterans and children.

The DAAD prize has been awarded for more than a decade and its main purpose is to help international students define their professional goals and create a common history. After all, every foreign student during studies in Germany gets a new life experience and shares own, and this helps to enrich both sides.
