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DKU held a Round table via Skype on logistics issues in Central Asia

On June 28, DKU held a round table via Skype on the theme «Integration of international organizations and participants of project and educational activities as a tool for solving logistics problems of Central Asian countries.»

The organizers were the Association of research and design organizations of Kazakhstan, Project Logistics Center (PLC), Kazakh Research Institute of transport and communication, DKU and UIB universities. The speakers told about the results of activities, research in the field of development and implementation of modern logistics technologies, project work on harmonization of regulations and the need for design solutions in the field of agricultural products supply to the regions of Central Asia. It is important to note that the student community was also actively involved in the logistics sector and shared the results of its project monitoring work.

These topics caused lively discussions, and the round table itself allowed participants to get a lot of food for thought, which will undoubtedly be used in future developments.
