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DAAD Workshop project in the framework of supporting DKU in Mittweida

Once a year, representatives of the Kazakh-German University (DKU) meet with their partners from Germany. In 2019, this meeting was held on June 3 and 4 at the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

At this event, the President of DKU informed the participants about the current events at the University and the main topics for the future. This was followed by information on the activities of the project over the past year. Some of the topics discussed were related to the development of «Flying Faculty», as well as the implementation of scholarship projects and activities in DKU. The second part of the workshop presented ideas for a new master's program in the field of industrial engineering. Since it is expected that the conditions of the legal framework in the Kazakh University sector will change significantly, the Vice-rector of DKU for educational work acquainted the participants with the new provisions in this area. It was discussed to what extent German partners can support DKU in the upcoming processes.

The meeting was attended by representatives of DKU, DAAD project in DKU, German partner universities, DAAD and the German Foreign Office.
