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Creative meeting with Elyor Nematov

On Saturday, October 26, within the framework of #DOCAproject platform ADAMDAR/CA, a workshop and a creative meeting with documentary photographer Elyor Nematov will be held in Almaty. The meeting will take place at the Kazakh-German University.
Elyor Nematov was born in Bukhara, lived in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, filmed and worked in more than 15 countries. Currently based in Tashkent. Winner of international photo contests, participant of international exhibitions and biennales. Author of unique documentary projects: «I am a foreigner», «Father comes tomorrow», «My name is a woman», «Shepherds and cats», «Children of Bukhara» and others. He held personal photo exhibitions in new York, New Jersey, Washington, San Diego, Amsterdam, Moscow, Tashkent and other cities of the world. His work has been published by such publications as the Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, Meduza, the Telegraph and others. Elyor Nematov collaborated with such organizations as UNICEF, UN Women, IOM, World Bank, OSF, etc.
Elyor Nematov's web-site:

Kazakh-German University, 173
Nazarbayev Avenue, corner of Kurmangazy
October 26, Saturday
15:00−19: 00

Program of the event:

15:00−16:45. Workshop, part 1
In the first part of the program Elyor Nematov will share his experience and perception of documentary photography and documentary cinema, through reflections on metaphor and composition in art, on storytelling in painting and prose, as well as on modern storytelling in photography and cinema.

17:15−19: 00 Workshop, part 2 + presentation of multimedia project
In the second part Elyor Nematov will talk about the choice of topics for the project and the development of strategies for shooting, and other production aspects. The speaker will also present his multimedia project dedicated to the study of the Aral Sea tragedy in the second part of the program.
Elyor Nematov has a considerable experience in the field of documentary photography, as well as in projects related to social, cultural and environmental issues. The event can be useful not only for journalists, documentalists and photographers, but also for artists, researchers and environmental activists.

Entry is free
Host of venue:
