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Competition SRWS 2020, Logistics, International Relations

Kazakh-German University as the base university for the annual Republican competition of students' research projects in field of International Relations and Logistics in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, announced in accordance with letter No. 16−5 / 217 of 01.25.2020 of the Department of Higher and post-graduate education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, informs about the beginning of accepting tender documents at the second stage.

Competition entries are accepted in accordance with the requirements of the «Recommendations on the organization and conduction of the annual competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan» from February 6 to March 29, 2020.

Please submit your competition entry within the established deadline:

— on paper (marked «For the Republican Competition for Scientific Research and Development») at the address: 050010, Almaty, st. Pushkin 111/113, Kazakh-German University, Department of Science and Innovation (room 34)

— on electronic media, e-mail:

Information over the phone: +7 727 355 05 51 ext. 231
