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Books and publications of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev

We present you books and publications of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev

We present to your attention a direct link to the books and publications of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev published on the official website.

This catalogue includes the most significant works of Elbasy, of special interest among a wide range of readers:

1. Sozidatel`ny`m pocherkom lidera (The creative handwriting of the leader)

2. Triumf Lidera (Leader Triumph)

3. Prezidentskie konspekty` (Presidential notes)

4. Drug. Chelovek. Lider. (Friend, Human, Leader)

5. Velikij Integrator (Great Integrator)

6. Arxitektor Reform (Architector of Reforms)

7. Pesnya moya — Ushkony`r (My Song — Ushkonyr)

8. Sozdavali vsem mirom (Created by the whole world)

9. Vzglyad v budushhee: modernizaciya obshhestvennogo soznaniya (Looking to the Future: Modernizing Public Consciousness)

10. Sem` granej Velikoj stepi (Seven Faces of the Great Steppe)
