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Winter Semester 2021 at partner universities in Germany: additional scholarships

Dear students!

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides additional scholarships for studying in the winter semester of 2021 at one of the partner universities in Germany.

The scholarships are intended primarily for students studying in the following specialties: international relations, logistics, telematics, information engineering in economics, mobile computing.

Students of other specialties can also participate in the competition for scholarships, subject to the availability of free scholarships.

The decision on the allocation of the scholarship is made by the scholarship commission. The final decision on admission to study under the scholarship depends on the conditions of the partner university (terms of acceptance of documents, availability of places, etc.).

Partner universities for Winter Semester scholarships:

  • TH Wildau
  • HS Schmalkalden
  • HS Rhein-Waal
  • HS Mittweida
  • HS Zittau/Görlitz

Scholarship amount:

  • 861 Euros per month (for 5 months).
  • 825 Euros for round-trip travel.


  • 2nd and 3rd year students.
  • Good knowledge of German at least B2 or English at least B2 for the EP «International relations”.
  • The average score for the entire period of study is at least 4.0 (the grades of the current semester are not considered, because the semester is not completed).

Documents for participation in the competition:

  1. Motivation letter.
  2. CV with a photo.

Please do not request a transcript the Study Office ! They will be provided automatically.

Application deadline: May 11, 2021 till 24.00

Please send the documents to the International Office in German. Students studying in the EP «International Relations” must submit documents in English.

For all questions, please contact the International Office during working hours from 9.00 to 18.00 (lunch from 13.00 to 14.00):

Tel.: 355 05 51 (ext. 242)

