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We want to share an inspiring story about our students!

Dear DKU students!

We want to share an inspiring story about students!

Last Saturday, our 2nd year students — Kristina Andreeva and Alua Manen, together with English lecturer Aigerim Kabdollanova, cleaned the coastal part of Lake Sairan.

The video is available at the link:

The amount of garbage collected is depressing, because we, the residents of our beloved city, are the source of it.

Let's act and clean up all the garbage, let's take care and treat everything that is given to us with love, let's create, not destroy.

This story is a clear example when the efforts of a small number of people bring visible results.

What if we all act together in this way?!

Dear DKU students, we are launching the Challenge «Let's clean up the city together!”

Even small efforts lead to great results. Record a video, upload and tag @dkukz, share your story, let there be more of us!
