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We invite you to the open day of the Kazakh-German University

The open Day of the Kazakh-German University will be held tomorrow, November 13, 2021.

The event will be held offline in compliance with quarantine measures and will start at 12:00 Almaty time.

Date: November 13, 2021.

Time: 17:00 Almaty time.

Location: building on Nazarbayev, 173.


12:00 Opening

12:10 Presentation of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

12:20 Presentation of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship

12:30 Presentation of the Faculty of World Politics

12:40 Presentation of the Center for Pre-university and Vocational Training

12:50 Presentation of the International Office

13:10 Kahoot! DKU Ambassadors @ambassadors.dku

13:25 Break

13:35−14:00 Consultations

You will find out about:

  • conditions of admission to DKU;
  • grants and scholarships;
  • «Double Diploma» program and studying in Germany;
  • preparation for the introductory procedure of DKU and UNT;
  • student life and much more.

You can also connect online to the ZOOM platform via the link.…

Conference ID: 824 8472 8055Access code: 328420

For all questions: +7 (700) 355 05 51 WhatsApp or

We are waiting for you at DKU Open Day!
