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We invite you to the DKU Spring Ball!

Dear students, we invite you to the DKU Spring Ball!

At the ball you will be able to take part in competitions, compete for the Mr. and Miss DKU nominations and just have a nice time in the company of fellow students!

Requirements for nominees who wish to participate in the Mr. and Miss DKU nominations:

  • best business card (number and image);
  • intellectual competition;
  • talent contest;
  • each participant will also have the opportunity to receive an audience award!

In addition, you will be able to participate in the nomination «The most spectacular image».
The main thing is to match the theme of the ball.

The theme of the ball is Angels and Demons (the dress code must match the theme).

The ball will be held on April 29 from 18:00 to 23:00.

The ticket price is 1000 tenge.

Registration forms for the nominees and for the participants of the ball are already available at the links:

registration for the nomination:

registration for the nomination:

The exact venue, as well as the date of the start of ticket sales, check with the student council of DKU @stura.dku
