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We invite DKU students to participate in the competition of research papers

Dear DKU students!

We invite you to take part in the Republican Annual Competition of Students' Research papers (R&D), which is held annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

To participate in the contest, you need to provide:

  • Scientific work (with a review from third-party organizations). The volume of work should not exceed 20 — 40 pages.

  • Abstract of the scientific work.

  • Review of the supervisor on the degree of independence of the work performed (in any form.

  • Information about the author (s) and scientific supervisor.

The deadline for submitting research work is until March 14, 2022.⠀

Research work and accompanying documents must be submitted to the Department of Science Tyulubaeva Dinara (building on Pushkin, 111 / 34 office,) or faculty assistants.

See the recommendations for the organization and conduct of the annual competition, in which there are forms, in the attachment:

1. Abstracts of scientific work.

2. Information about the author and supervisor of the work submitted to the Research and Development competition.
