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We invite DKU students to participate in an anonymous questionnaire on the quality of teaching disciplines

Dear DKU students, in order to improve the educational process, the university administration conducts an anonymous survey of students on the quality of teaching disciplines.

This questionnaire is available in the «UNIVER» system: An

In the menu «Bachelor"/"Master's student» item «Student survey». An illustrated example is shown below in the figure:

Before filling out the questionnaire, please read the instructions and rules for filling out the questionnaire.

The questionnaire consists of open and closed questions. Closed questions include a rating scale from 1 to 5, which have the following values:

1 — «very bad» or «completely wrong»

2 — «bad» or «not true»

3 — «satisfactory» or «partially true»

4 — «good» or «true»

5 — «very good» or «absolutely right.»

Rules for filling out the questionnaire:

  • Try to write correctly. Avoid slang and youth jargon (According to the Code of Ethics of students, this is a violation of the internal rules of DKU)!
  • Be careful when filling out the questionnaire!
  • Pay attention to the name of the discipline!

If you have any problems with access to the UNIVER system, please contact the IT department:
