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Water and climate systems. How our graduate students studied in December 2020

Do you know the relationship between water, energy, agriculture, and climate? ⠀

Professor Michael Walter gave answers to these questions in his course «Water and Climate Systems» for our graduate students of the Integrated Water Resources Managements program. As Michael Walter says: «When the context of environmental, anthropogenic and socio-economic factors is not fully understood, it often affects the quality of decisions made.

Therefore, this material is especially useful for our students for their further professional work. «Below is our student's review: «The course was very informative, intensive and productive. In my opinion, «Water and Climate systems» is an integral part of improving knowledge for future water management managers, as during the course you can learn more about climate cycles, water balance, atmospheric circulation, as well as climate change, which is an urgent problem in our time.»

If you are interested in learning about the Integrated Water Resources Management program, please send your questions to
