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The presentation of the book «Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Selected works of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan» was held at DKU

Almaty, September 27, 2021

The presentation of the book «Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Selected works of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan» was held at DKU, edited by Professor Sultanov Bulat Klychbaevich.

Earlier, the collection of works of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was presented at the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty (September 8, 2021), as well as within the framework of the international round table «The President is a symbol and guarantor of the inviolability of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan», dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (KISI) under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (August 26, 2021).

The book was prepared for publication by the Research Institute of International and Regional Cooperation of the Kazakh-German University (RIIRC) with the financial support of CNPC International Kazakhstan LTD. This collection includes the works of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. K. Tokayev, published in the period from March 20, 2019 to April 30, 2021. This publication includes the texts of 68 works of the Head of State, including two Messages of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan, three articles, as well as 63 speeches, addresses and statements of the Head of Kazakhstan on topical issues of domestic and foreign policy, socio-economic development and measures to counter the coronavirus pandemic.

This collection is recommended for reading and study by historians, political scientists, experts dealing with the problems of national history, international relations, foreign and domestic policy of our country, lecturers and students of higher educational institutions, as well as readers interested in the modern history of Kazakhstan.

It is noteworthy that the responsible editor of the publication is Bulat Sultanov, director of RIIRC DKU, Professor, politician and statesman, Honored Worker of the Diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winner of the Gold Medal named after A. Baitursynov of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, author of more than a dozen books and more than 200 articles on international relations and security. The compiler of the collection is K. M. Kilmakaeva.

According to the author, the main reason that prompted him to take up the publication of this book was the desire to promote the reform policy, to which the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. K. Tokayev started immediately after his election as Head of State in March 2019. The reform activity of the President K. K. Tokayev is supported by the overwhelming majority of the population of our country. But support alone is certainly not enough. It is necessary to provide practical assistance to every citizen of the country to the innovative course of the Head of State.

The relevance of this book lies in the fact that the knowledge of the works of the Head of State by civil servants, citizens of the country allows us to find answers to questions and problems that arise today, often thrown into our society from the outside. For this reason, Bulat Sultanov believes that the book of the works of the Head of State should be on the table of every civil servant, in addition to, of course, the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulat Sultanov adds: «The study of the modern history of Kazakhstan, foreign policy, the history of international relations, regional studies and other socio-political disciplines is impossible without knowledge of the works of the Head of State. The concept of a Hearing State put forward by the Head of State is of great importance — only through a constant dialogue between the authorities and society can a harmonious state be built, embedded in the context of modern life. No aspect of socio-economic development can be successfully implemented without the rule of law and guaranteeing the security of our citizens. A hearing State is, in fact, the concept of building a Just State, because it is not enough just to hear and see the problems of citizens, the main thing is to respond to them correctly and objectively. The President developed the concept of a Hearing and Fair state, supplementing it with the creation of the system „Responsible state — responsible society — responsible person“.

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the conviction of President K. K. Tokayev that the greatest achievements are achieved thanks to boundless love for the Motherland, because true patriotism is not loud slogans, but everyday service to his country and his people, is of particular importance.»

The author also plans to continue working in this direction and hopes to regularly publish the next volumes of the collection dedicated to the works of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The book is available at the link HERE.
