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The presentation of the book «Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Selected works of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan» Professor Sultanov

Friends, we are in a hurry to share the good news! The book «Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. Selected works of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan» will be presented at the Kazakh-German University.

Responsible editor of the publication: Bulat Sultanov, Director of IMIRS DKU, professor, politician and statesman.

Previously, the book was also presented in Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty.

The book was prepared for publication by the Research Institute of International and Regional Cooperation of the Kazakh-German University (RIIRC) with the support of CNPC International Kazakhstan LTD.

  • Date: September 27, 2021.
  • Time: 16:00 Almaty time.
  • Location: DKU Event Forum at 173 Nazarbayev Street.

At the event, you will be able to ask questions of interest to the author of the collection — Sultanov Bulat Klychbaevich.

To participate in the event, you must pre-register and confirm your participation:

You can also join the presentation online by clicking on the link in the profile header.

We are waiting for you!
