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The first debate tournament among students of the 2021−2022 season was held at DKU

On November 5, 2021, the first DKU debate tournament of the 2021−2022 season was held, organized by members of the Student Council of DKU StuRa @stura.dku.

6 DKU student teams participated in the tournament, and the first theme of the 2021−2022 season was «Human Rights».

The debates were held according to the American parliamentary format, where participants are divided into 2 teams: the government and the opposition.

As part of the Government: Prime Minister and Member of the Government.

As part of the Opposition: The leader of the opposition and a Member of the Opposition.

Three resolutions were proposed to the participants:

1 game — the right of voluntary euthanasia: pros and cons. In this game, the debate entered:

  • The Government team: Kristina Andreeva (2MO) and Nariman Muratov (1MO)
  • Opposition team: Yezhehan Aruzhan (2TL) and Nurbekuly Dias (2TL)

2 game — parenting by same-sex parents: pros and cons. In this game, the debate entered:

  • The «Government» team: Daria Morozova (2MO) and Orynbasar Zhuldyz (1MO)
  • Opposition team: Beiseubaev Alimkhan (2MO) and Rozmetov Urken (1ET)

3 game — religious education of children: pros and cons. In this game, the debate entered:

  • The Government team: Shegenov Nurlybek (1 MO) and Magauin Aman (1 MO)
  • The Opposition team: Tursynkan Aina (2MO) and Gerlitz Edan (2MARK.)

According to the results of the three games, the winners were the teams representing the «Government» position.

We express our gratitude to all the spectators, participants, the team of judges and the team of organizers.

Join the DKU Debate Club, where you can develop critical thinking, creativity and public speaking skills.
