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Take part in the DKU exhibition dedicated to the Day of the City of Almaty

Dear students, graduates, lecturers and staff! We invite you to participate in DKU activities dedicated to the Day of the City of Almaty: Forms of participation:

  • send your photo works in A4 format (quantity from 1 to 3). Each photo is like a story, or a triptych about Almaty.
  • share with us your work: in prose or verse form about your favorite city, which tells about the southern capital. The volume of the text is not more than 1 A4 page, 16 kegels.

Each of us lives his stories in his favorite city, finds his «place of power», draws inspiration.
Themes of urban stories told in your works (photo or text work):

  • «The soul of the city».
  • «Moments of joy and my city».
  • «What is happening in Almaty».
  • «Almaty is the city of sunny childhood».
  • «City Heroes».
  • «Architecture and history of Almaty houses».
  • «In museums»
  • «Almaty is a green city».

Terms of participation:

The works of all participants will be put on wide display in the lobby of the Nazarbayev Academic Building.

The exhibition period is from September 22 to October 3, 2021 After the completion of the exhibition, some of the works will be transferred to the DKU museum, and the photographic works can be placed in the university space on a permanent basis (in the offices of employees, at faculties, in halls).Text stories will be released in a separate printed collection dedicated to the Day of the City of Almaty. We are waiting for your stories and works!
