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Take part in Eco Talk 2022!

Do you want to create your own environmentally sustainable business and go on a study trip to Europe?

Then send us your application for participation in the International School of Green Business #EcoTalk2022!

During the 4 years of the program's existence, 60 teams from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have undergone intensive training, 14 of them have won grants for the creation and development of their own business.

University students and young entrepreneurs under 35 from Central Asia are invited to participate Asia. The winners will go on a study trip to Europe to get acquainted with the best practices of sustainable green business.

This year, the program is being implemented by the Kazakh-German University (DKU) with the support of the European Union (EU) project «European Union — Central Asia: Cooperation in the field of water resources, environment and climate change» (WECOOP), @wecoopproject.

Registration of applications is open until April 15, 2022. inclusive. To apply, follow the link:

In case of any questions, please contact Inna Matveenko, Project Manager
