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Studying in the winter semester of 2022−2023 in Mikolas Romeris University (Lithuania)

To the attention of 3rd year BA students and the 1st year MA students!

Mikolas Romeris University (Lithuania) invites students from partner universities to study in 2022−2023 winter semester.

Students are given the opportunity to receive a scholarship from the Government of Lithuania for one semester of study (winter semester 2022−2023). All the necessary information about the scholarship can be found at the link: /


English at least B2.

Good academic records for all semesters of study.

Required documents:

Candidates must provide copies of the listed documents through the online application system:

1. Completed application form (via the online application system).

2. Conditional training agreement signed by three parties — the candidate, the responsible person in the sending and receiving institutions (according to the template). You can find the Conditional Agreement form HERE.

3. One letter of recommendation filled out and signed by a professor or other researcher, mentor or employer (using a template form).

4. Certificate of English language proficiency not lower than B2. It is allowed to take TOEFL, IELTS, CPE or other generally recognized English language proficiency exams. Or request a certificate confirming the level of English from the Institute of Language Training and Certification of KNU.

5. Transcript for all semesters of study.

Deadline: April 29, 2022

! Attention: before applying, check on the Mikolas Romeris University website whether there are disciplines suitable for your specialty.

The selection will be conducted by the University of Mikolas Romeris.
More detailed:−2-semester-studies-apply-for-state-scholarship/

In case of any questions, please contact the Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility: Yelena,, Aizhan,, +7 (727) 355-05-51 (ext.242).
