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Students and staff of DKU traditionally congratulated pensioners

October 1 is the International Day of the Elderly, which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990, and October is the month of the elderly. The Day of the Elderly was established in order to pay attention to the needs of the older generation, to improve the quality of life of pensioners. According to the UN, there are currently almost 700 million people over the age of 60 in the world.

By 2050, according to forecasts, the number of people over the age of 60 will reach two billion and make up more than 20% of the world's total population.

It is important that the majority of older people can continue to make an important contribution to the functioning of society, with the creation of the necessary conditions.

DKU, as a socially responsible university, treats the representatives of the older generation with attention and care. Students and staff of DKU regularly make home-based congratulatory visits to pensioners and veterans of UTF Medeu district. DKU actively cooperates with the Council of Veterans of Medeu district and keeps in touch with our older generation.
