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Results of the distribution of social scholarships of the German company Thomas Kurze for the 2021/2022 academic year

Dear Friends!

On September 15, 2021, a meeting of the DKU scholarship commission on the distribution of social scholarships of the German company Thomas Kurze for the 2021/2022 academic year was held.

The commission consists of:▪︎Head of the Department of Social Work and Career;▪︎Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology;▪︎Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship;▪︎Dean of the Faculty of World Politics.

At the meeting of the commission, the submitted applications and documents of applicants for scholarships were considered.

Scholarships are provided in the form of discounts on tuition.

Results of the distribution of social scholarships of the German company «Thomas Kurze» for the 2021/2022 academic year:

  1. Bolat Botagoz
  2. Vinogradov Denis
  3. Elina Emenova

For all questions, please contact by phone+7 727 355 05 51 (internal 242).
