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Results of the «Mental Health Week»

Each of us periodically experiences stress, anxiety, anxiety and other non-aggressive and negative emotions. For us, as a university, it is important that every student and employee of DKU feels and feels GOOD, so that there is enough energy and strength for self-realization, for active academic, extracurricular and work activities.

As part of the «Mental Health Week», we talked about the importance of caring not only for physical, but also mental health, the need for knowledge and skills in self-regulation, working out their anxiety states.

The following events took place at DKU:

  • A screening of the film «Wild» with a discussion of the film with the participants of the meeting.
  • Meeting with a psychologist on the topic: «Studying and working under severe stress», speaker Svetlana Morozova, psychologist, member of the International Jungian organization of Analytical Psychology IAAP.
  • Meeting with a psychologist on the topic: «Mental health: how to maintain a balance in school and work?», speaker Gulya Zhakupova, social worker, psychologist, researcher, UNDP Staff Counselor.
  • Meeting with a psychologist on the topic: «What are negative attitudes and how to get rid of them», speaker Veronika Pivkina, psychologist, family psychologist, certified specialist of the Kazakh Association of Psychologists and the art Therapy Center «Insight.
  • Master class «Organization of space as a way to work out anxiety», speaker — Saniyazova Nailya, psychologist, Head of the department of Social Work and Career Department, DKU.

We express our great gratitude to the student project team of the 2nd year of the International Relations program, the STURA team, and the Der Kinoclub team for their help in organizing and conducting the week.

We also thank all the participants for their active involvement in the events of the «Mental Health Week», for your desire to learn more about yourself and others, for your inquisitiveness and interesting questions, for productive conversations and fascinating discussions.
