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Research internship of the IWRM program master’s students

Currently, undergraduates of the 2nd year of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) program are undergoing research internship. This time, our undergraduates from Uzbekistan decided to share information about the internship.

For example, Aziz Khaidarov undergoes an internship in the editorial office of the «Central Asian Journal of Water Resources Research», published by the Institute of Natural Resources at the Kazakh-German University ( As Aziz noted, his duties include not only processing and publishing new articles, but also working with the archives of old publications. Our master's student also has to communicate with colleagues, interview experts and conduct analysis of the issues discussed. «Since the journal deals with the problems of water management, the published scientific articles are an impetus for the promotion of IWRM in the region. There are many like-minded people in the editorial office of the magazine, each employee is open to communication and is ready to give feedback. This is rare today…», — Aziz summed up.

Sanzhar Rakhmonov, is an intern in the agricultural cluster of «SURXON SIFAT TEKSTIL» OOO in the Denovsky district of the Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan and notes that in practice he actively applies the knowledge gained during his studies at the university: «The knowledge gained at DKU helped me in implementing drip irrigation technology in the arid climate of the Surkhandarya region. At the moment, I have conducted master classes and shown examples on the implementation of drip irrigation technology to farmers in remote areas.»

We wish the students success and further fruitful practical training.

Stay tuned for our updates, we'll be back soon with more feedback on the internship.
