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Registration is open for a meeting with David Mashuri BAT Kazakhstan, 29.10.2021

Dear students and teachers of DKU!

We invite you to a guest meeting «Learning Agility and Leadership Development» with David Mashuri, Director of the HR Department of BAT Kazakhstan (British American Tobacco), which will be held on October 29, 2021.

You will find out:

  • What is cognitive flexibility, as a multiplier of a person's potential.

  • How does the ability to learn, the willingness to develop and the ability to extract new knowledge affect success and how is this related to leadership potential.

  • What you need to develop in yourself in the VUCA world. VUCA: volatility — instability, uncertainty — uncertainty, complexity — complexity and ambiguity — ambiguity.

David Mashuri is a specialist with 20 years of international experience in key leadership positions in various industries, including FMCG, finance and education. Coach and senior management consultant, offering solutions and managing changes in corporate culture and strategy implementation. Mr. Mashuri holds a Master's degree in Public Policy from Pepperdine University and a bachelor's degree from Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

We are waiting for you on October 29, 2021 at the address ave. Nazarbayeva, 173 (Hall). The event starts at 16.15 (Almaty time).

Registration is available via the link here.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn new things and ask your questions!
