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Registration for participation in the Summer School of the University of Krems is open

Krems University of Applied Sciences (Austria) invites students to participate in the Krems University Summer School: «Innovations in International Business», which will be held from 5 to 16 July 2021.

The program includes academic, social and cultural activities (ranging from a city tour to a visit to the Heuriger wine tavern).

The aim of the program is to give international students the opportunity to get acquainted with Austrian and European culture and make new contacts, while observing the necessary health precautions.

  • Language: English.
  • Who can participate: BA students.
  • Credits: 6 ECTS credits.

Students do not pay for the program. However, there is a fee for the services of the program, which is 515 euros.

Deadline: February 21, 2021

Students participating in the program will receive an IMC certificate. The assessment includes completing tasks before the start of the course, actively participating in classes, completing final project presentations, and completing a final assessment of several options.

Interested students should submit their CV and motivation letter in English to the following email addresses:,

All additional information can be found HERE or at the link:−2021−05−17/

If you have any questions, please contact Department of International Relations and Academic Mobility:
Elena,, Aizhan,, 355−05−51 (ext. 242).
