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Recruitment for participation in the ESERA project is open until June 30

Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you that we are announcing a set for participation in the ESERA (Ecosystems, Society and Economics of the Region of Aral) project!

Project objective:

  • increasing the research potential of young researchers through case studies aimed at assessing and monitoring the current state of the regional environmental, socio-economic security of the region.

Thematic areas of the ESERA project in 2021.

  • Archeology. The study of the channels of the ancient disappeared tributaries of the Aral Sea and the search for archaeological finds.

  • Geomorphology and geology. The study of the unique landforms of the Northern Aral Sea, including the relief formed as a result of the drainage of the Aral Sea, in order to develop the tourism industry.

  • Hydrology. Study of watercourses from the Kokaral dam to the Western part of the Aral Sea.

Main tasks:

  • to conduct field scientific research on the territory of the Aral region and the drained bottom of the Aral Sea.

  • to publish scientific articles based on the results of the work carried out in the Central Asian Journal for Water Resources .

Who can take part?

Young specialists from the countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan from 23 to 35 years old.

In total, it is planned to attract 6 young specialists, 3 scientific supervisors and 1 supervisor for scientific writing.

Scholarships are provided for the participants of the project. The organizers cover all expenses except for PCR tests for coronavirus and visa processing.

To submit an application, please fill out the form at the link:

The deadline for accepting applications is June 30, 2021, so register now!

If you have any additional questions, please contact us by e-mail. address:
